
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Battling Monotony

Monotony--have you ever thought about where that word comes from? I love words, and discovering where a word comes from gives it so much more meaning. Monotony was originally a musical term for a measure or a group of measures that repeated the same note. "Mono," = one, and "tony," = pertaining to a musical note. Understanding the origin of that word make one realize the absolute tragedy of describing one's life in those terms. By saying that my life is monotonous, I am saying that intricacy of the melody that makes up my life has become dull and redundant.

My life often feels like it is just floating past me and I'm watching from the outside as someone else walks and talks and laughs. I think this is just my own apathy binding me to watch as I am unsuccessful at task after task. This apathy creeps into me and then the routine of every day begins to feel monotonous. I think the thing the Lord has been showing me for the last few days is that routine does not have to be monotonous--a strong rhythm in a song only makes it that much more inspiring. However if I allow apathy to color each day, the melody will begin to play the same note, over and over again. That is monotony.

I am told to do two things each morning. First, I am told to pick up my cross and follow Jesus Christ. Second, I am told to seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be added to my day. Neither one of these tasks are things I can do apathetically, they require a conscious act of will and and super-natural strength and stamina. Me, I don't have either super-strength or super-stamina...oh well. However, I am promised that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" That's a pretty big promise, and not one that I take lightly. Breaking a monotonous strain of music takes a master--which I am not. But Christ-who-strengthens-me is a master to dwarf all others. Music was His masterpiece before the stars glittered and sun shone.

The lesson I have been taught in the last few days is that breaking monotony is as simple and complicated as seeking the Kingdom and bearing my cross--Jesus does the song writing from there. Once I choose to follow my King and lay aside my apathy, the beautiful complexity of the melody of my life spirals heavenward once again. The beauty of the music is only accented by the consistent rhythm of each day.


  1. I just know from reading your posts that you are an amazing person!!! Thank you for your encouraging blogs and for speaking the truth from your heart. Pease click on my name and check out my blog... I think we have a lot in common. :) - God Bless!

  2. Your posts are really inspiring. I have one question... how long have you been on your walk with God? Also, thanks for following my blog, wish I could write as eloquent and inspiring as you
