
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why is Thinking Important?

Would you not consider this to be one of the quintessential questions of human existence? I confess that I have been using this brain that the Lord gave me for decades now, and I have never really considered this question: why is thinking important?

I must first illuminate why it is, indeed, worth our time to consider such an abstract question. I have fallen in love with abstract philosophical musing like this in the last years, but I know that many do not find joy in such considerations. Rather, many find such questions to be the mental equivalent of brambles. That is, they are painful to get into, painful to get out of, and leave one full of uncomfortable prickles that seem to turn back up just when you thought you had got the last one out. So why venture into the brier patch in the first place? Just this, unless we have formed definite opinions based upon sound reason about our minds themselves, our minds will be at the mercy of whatever is the most pressing demand. If we do not know with certainty why our thoughts are both a valuable commodity and a potent tool, we will go about our days waving them around like a half-cocked pistol waiting for an inopportune bump to bast off in an unpredictable direction. In this state, we prepare ourselves to be the tools of those who have formed such certainty about the use of their minds. In this state, our will resides helplessly upon the ill-constructed raft for our thoughts upon the sea of our emotion. In this state, we are useful to none but the basest men who are willing to capitalize on our weakness for their personal gain. 

So why is thinking important? In the well-ordered mind, the will captains a cohesive vessel of thought which rides the seas of emotion with purpose and power. The wind and tide of feeling become tools to better engage the world around us rather than being the devastating force that casts us upon unfamiliar shores of loneliness and desperation. I deeply wish I could say that my thoughts were ship-shape and able to ride each of the storms of feeling with purpose and confidence, but that is not yet the case. Thus, thinking and thinking with purpose becomes so very important. Since most of our wills are captaining leaky vessels, choosing which  thoughts are allowed to make up our ship becomes one of our defining tasks as human beings. From one's mind, one's actions will flow. Thus, choosing the material of one's thoughts becomes not only our defining task, but perhaps the defining choice of all human experience. In this, one's thoughts become not only the most valuable commodity available but also the most potent tool naturally available to us. 

This leaves us with two rather unpopular implications. The first pertains to addiction (particularly that of alcohol), and the second pertains to ingratitude. Many of you will have already guessed how this relates to addiction. Addiction gives one a certain pre-disposition to fill one's vessel with thoughts that are all centered on one thing. This pattern of thinking is not purposeful or powerful and remaining in it is lazy thinking. If all our conscious thought hovers around one thing our mind lacks strength. Such a pattern is driven more by instinct and bears more resemblance to the thinking of a hungry animal than that of a reasoning man. It is like trying to build a ship with only a shell and no bracing. There is no bracing, no mast, no sails, and one's mind is once again at the mercy of the wind and tide of emotion. Thus, one with such a pre-disposition must be particularly vigilant to place their will in the captaincy and choose to capture and subdue the thoughts which focus on their addiction. This will take a great effort of conscious will at first. Indeed, for some it will be a moment-by-moment battle for control of his or her mind. But, such mental vigilance builds strength. This process is like learning to lift weights. At first, the weight is almost unbearable. But, after a few weeks, it becomes just a bit more manageable. And finally, after months or years of such training, the lightest weights barely flex the muscles. So it is with vigilance of thought and addiction. 

One who is grateful is one who thinks with care. Our desires will almost always exceed what is available to us. Thus, the lazy thinker will never appreciate what he has; he will want more. It takes a concerted application of the will to anchor one's thoughts and appreciate what one has in the moment. One who does not do so will be ungrateful and therefore ungracious. 

These two vices are the two flaws of lazy thinking that most readily presented themselves to me as I wrote. The truth is that just as our bodies fall into decay without work and focus, so too do our minds decay if we allow our will to lose it's place at the helm of our minds. Thus, all vice finds its home in the lazy mind. Conversely, virtue flourishes in the well-order, disciplined mind. Thus, thinking becomes not only the defining characteristic of human experience but also the avenue by which virtue may, by God's grace, be cultivated in our lives.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


I have heard from several people (who apparently heard it from their roommate who heard it from his pastor who read it somewhere) that there are those who are praying for persecution in the American church. In short, I have heard this sentiment voiced, but I have no more clear idea where it originated than the folks who told me. That said, I can see where these individuals might see a benefit in a kill order being issued for all Christians in the U.S. Such an event would galvanize many believers and force many more to make an honest commitment to Christ or admit to themselves (and whoever were holding the gun) that they are no follower of the Jesus the Messiah. However, there is a great blindness to prayers for a purging tribulation.

To understand the scope of this blindness, one must look at the battle over the American church from the perspective of the enemy. Right now, complacency and "freedom" are two of the most powerful weapons in his arsenal. Why on earth would he initiate an offensive that would destroy both of them? In terms of strategy, he can accomplish much more eternal damage by foregoing the momentary pleasure of seeing hundreds (if not thousands) fall away from Christ publicly.

The next thing to consider is that we are already in a tribulation that rivals Nero and the Inquisition. It is not the overt, obvious kind that was executed in both of the attacks mentioned above. Rather, it is an attack suited to the 21st century. It is based upon precision strikes, counter-intelligence, and sabotage. Satan is no amateur, and he is staging a state-of-the-art offensive on our church.

He has his high value targets, some of which he has leveled and some not. Consider Pastor Bob Coy (pastor of a mega-church in Fort Lauderdale)-sniped. Pete Newman (Director of one of the Kanakuk Kamps)-sniped. Etc. But, there have been men who understand the new approach to warfare; Billy Graham is a great example. He surrounded himself with spiritual bodyguards and never began his day without donning the spiritual flak-jacket of righteousness and getting into the bullet-proof SUV of faith.

Not only are our leaders being assassinated, but be are being bombarded with counter-intel from men like Joel Osteen and Rob Bell. They preach complacency and entitlement. We are also being told that we are free; which is true. We are free, but we are commanded not to use our "freedom as a covering for evil [fornication, idolatry, watching trashy movies/reading trashy book, getting drunk, speaking profanely], but use it as bondslaves of God." (1 Peter 2:16). Our freedom does not give us licence to do what pleases us! Our freedom is a freedom from the human imperative to sin; in other words, it is the freedom to turn away from what pleases us. Because we have been freed, we can reject "the former lusts which were [ours] in [our] ignorance." (1 Peter 1:14).

Friends, we need not pray a tribulation on the American church; it is here. Our faith is being tested/proved. How many of us spend more time in front of the TV than reading the Word of God? How many of us have become more elated/enraged at a favorite soccer team winning/losing this month than at hearing the name of God taken in vain or seeing a someone stop and help change a tire on the highway? This is a tribulation that does not snap people from their lethargy but encourages it. A tribulation that does not galvanize but softens. We must be on our guard as never before because we are in a red-zone, and many of the sentries are asleep.

"Like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior" (1 Peter 1:15)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Where is our heart?

What is most important to us as a culture? What is it that captures our collective imagination and inspires us? What motivation, what hunger, drives us? As I sit and ask myself these questions, so many things zoom through my head. Perhaps it is the drive to "get ahead," to "achieve the American dream." Who doesn't want their white picket fence, 1.8 children and golden retriever? Perhaps it is the drive to be remembered, to discover something, achieve something or write something that history will never forget.

I sit and think through all the noble and ideal ways to answer this question and smile to myself. Then I remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, "where your treasure is there your heart will be also." So where is the collective American heart? Into what have we poured our money? What are the things in which we have chosen to invest? According the average gross income for a nationally screened movie is approx. 565 million dollars (including Box office, retail sales, and TV licensing). The average american spends 45 dollars per week on TV and movies (including satellite/cable subscriptions, theater attendance, retail purchases, netflix, and pay-per-view). If video gaming is added to the "entertainment" category the national average jumps by a staggering $42 average (leaving the total at $87--higher than the average weekly expenditure for housing). I find this both telling and disturbing. Americans are spending more money on entertainment than on the place they live. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." It seems that our hearts are invested in visual entertainment.

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) tracks the highest grossing movies of 2013. I'd like to look at the #1 and #2 movies on which Americans have spent more money than any others. Both of these movies had sellout crowds, across the country, waiting for hours to see the midnight premier. We have culturally declared these productions so valuable that we spend both hours waiting in line and hundreds of millions of dollars on tickets. Lets take a closer look at what we have glorified. Fair warning: there will be spoilers.

#1 Bestselling Movie of 2013
Iron Man 3
Don't get me wrong, I love a good superhero movie as much as the next guy. However, I do find it unsettling that our country thinks this is the most valuable production of the year. This movie grossed just over 1.2 billion dollars in worldwide box office sales (that does not include DVD sales or TV licensing), Americans contributed over a third of that figure. 1.2 billion dollars means that it has generated more income in the past 7 months than almost thirty of the countries listed in the CIA World Factbook do in year. That worries me.

The plot of this film is not all that original. A really powerful bad guy tries to take the, now famous, Tony Stark (Robert Downing Jr.) down by threatening his girlfriend, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow).

First, lets look at the plot. The driving force behind the movie is Tony Stark's search for significance and identity. The whole movie centers around the tension between Stark's obsession with his work and his desire to love Ms. Potts (and by love, I mean have sex). He is torn between his awesome superhero self and the normal everyday self. So, he challenges a terrorist organization that has almost infinite resources, along with a bunch of super-human minions. When you are stressed and struggling with your home-life, the obvious solution is an extended killing spree of morally compromised individuals. Of course, everything works out. Stark's obsession with work ends up saving his life and Potts kills the main bad guy (while mostly topless). The whole movie ends with all the Iron Man suits gone and Stark beginning to handle his identity crisis. The crazy thing is I'm not sure whether he actually figures out his identity issues. At the very end he kinda decides to go with the "everyday version," but the very last line is "I am Iron Man!" Good plot...kill all the bad guys and still leave confused about who you are. Great role-model!

Robert Downing Jr.
(Tony Stark)
Second, lets take a closer look at the primary protagonist, Tony Stark. The protagonist of any story should always be examined closely. Almost all stories are designed to generate empathy toward and cause the audience to identify with the protagonist. The first thing I would like to note is that the protagonist of the 21st Century is never normal. Tony Stark is developed as a genius and technological prodigy from a young age. He is portrayed as the kind of man that never fails. Once he reaches adulthood he became a drunk womanizer who showes the world that he was utterly entitled to everything he took. This changes a little bit once Potts enters the scene, but she really ends up mothering him (which, granted, he needs) more than being his companion. Ultimately, he is a man who takes what he wants, when he wants it (by any means necessary). He has everything. He has toys (cars, robots, cool super-suits), he has women (most notably the lovely Ms. Potts), yet he wants more out of his life. He can have anything he wants, and he can do anything he wants but it isn't enough. He becomes obsessed with his work (his suits) because they define him. It seems that Stark is meant to elicit empathy from the majority of upper-middle class American men (the largest theater-going demographic). His identity is in his work, which (ironically enough) falls smack between his cool superhero self and his normal everyday self. His meaning in life is 100% centered on these very high-tech pieces of metal. Am I the only who sees a problem with that? No wonder he is having an identity crisis, I would be too. Stuff...check! Girls...check! Meaning...nope! No meaning = stress, and when stressed - kill! Awesome ideas to broadcast to the public.

Gwyneth Paltrow
(Pepper Potts)
Third, lets take a look at the secondary (supporting) protagonist, Pepper Potts. She is an odd character who is fairly representative of the identity crisis American women are facing today. She is portrayed as a strong self-assured woman who rises to the top of the corporate ladder and succeeds there. She is also shown as feminine and very "in love" with Stark (a weakness according to classic feminism). The interesting thing is that she is really the anchor in their relationship (contrary to traditional gender roles). So what is she supposed to portray? Exactly! She epitomizes the 21st century woman: strong, self-possessed, financially independent, and utterly emotionally dependent upon a man. She is the walking feminist paradox...but that is the ideal held up for the women of my generation. Best of luck to you all. She ultimately joins Stark in both of his stress-relieving hobbies: sex and killing. Yet another great role-model.

A few things to think about from this movie:
- Everyone who is successful in this movie is beautiful. Implication: if your not good-looking you will fail.
- All the good guys get everything they want. Implication: if your not getting everything you want you must not be a good guy.
- People who speak out against the main characters die. Implication: if your goals are good, human life is expendable.
- The police and government are never there to help the good guys. Implication: the authorities are impotent and unable to help.
- Intelligence is Stark's greatest asset. Implication: those who are smart are entitled to take what they want when they want it.

Killing, sex, and an identity crisis; it all made for the best selling movie of 2013...1.2 billion dollars.

#2 Bestselling Movie of 2013
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
This just makes me sick. When I read the books a few years back, I never dreamed that they would make movies. The entire point of the story is to show that the Capitol is no longer fit to govern. This is shown by the fact that the people in the Capitol sit comfortably in their living rooms and cheer children on to murder in an arena. I don't understand how our country can go to these movies all excited and walk out talking about how good it was. People murdering one another for the entertainment of others will never be "good." In the book Suzanne Collins made a point of criticizing those who watch the hunger games for entertainment (those in the Capitol, District 1, and District 2). Does our culture not see that they are doing the exact thing that made the Capitol unfit to lead? I was at the theater the night Catching Fire came out (I was watching Capt. Phillips-which I do recommend, by the way). There were lines that stretched almost a hundred yards into the parking lot. The entire lobby was full of stanchions with lines woven back and forth to use the space for people in line. There were probably more than a thousand people there to watch this diary of murder. Has the value of human life fallen so far that we revel in the portrayal of death? I pray that our culture still has time to right itself before God makes the same judgement upon us that was made on the Capitol. We have clearly lost the mandate of Heaven, the question is: is there still enough to redeem, or has this culture fallen so far that destruction is in order?

The cleverness of this plot is a tribute to the time and thought that Suzanne Collins put into the books. The story follows a relatively innocent girl as she realizes that her willpower and strength have given the general population hope. She has given them enough hope to rise against the tyranny of a government that takes their children away each year to fight and kill one another. Ultimately Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) realizes that she has become the symbol of a rebellion.

First lets take a look at the plot. Yet again, we find, in Everdeen, a charter who is in the middle of an identity crisis. She is no longer the hunter/provider for her family. Her victory in the last hunger games has left her almost unlimited material resources (especially in her poverty stricken district). Her family is never in danger of hunger or exposure and this leaves Everdeen without a purpose. Not only is she purposeless, she is also in the middle of a love triangle that includes herself, Peeta Melark (Josh Hutcherson) and Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth). She alternately leads on and cheats on both of them. The theme of the games is carried over from the first movie/book through a device called the "quarter quell." It is a special games that is held only once every 25 years. In this particular event the tributes are chosen from the previous victors (rather than the juvenile population of Panem). Everdeen and Melark are thrown back into the arena with all-star competition. This further complicates her relationship with both of the boys. Yet again we see the venting of emotion both on the part of Everdeen and Finnick Odair (Sam Claflin) through killing or violent outbursts. Is this the new norm? It would appear so; I mean, all the cool kids are doing it...

Jennifer Lawrence
(Katniss Everdeen)
Second lets look at Ms. Everdeen, our primary protagonist. She is introspective, fiercely loyal to her friends and family and very much searching for her identity. This seems to be a common theme. Why are primary characters so lost? Why do they not know who they are? Why is self-discovery such and integral part of the 21st century protagonist? It seems that we are a culture of the lost. If the protagonist is meant to cause a connection between the story and the viewer and the two most popular movies feature lost individuals, then it follows that American (and worldwide) viewers are identifying with characters who are lost. This has catastrophic implications. It means that people do not know who they are. They are seeing that it is alright to not know who one is as long as one does good. Everdeen is so confused about her personal world that she ends up in the middle of a love triangle. It isn't that the boys are fighting over her and she can't decide, rather she leads both of them on because they are both representative of two very different worlds. She can't decide who she wants to be, so she cheats on both boys with the other. This romantic give and take is her alternately flirting with both versions of herself. She tries so hard to cling to what she sees as right that all else falls by the wayside. For her (as with Stark), the ends always justifies the means.

Lets take a look some sketches of the other characters.

Peeta Melark - He is passive, gentle, soft and a baker (domestic) despite his obvious physical strength.

Haymitch Abernathy - He is conniving, manipulative, rude and a hopeless drunk. He is too sorry for himself to care about anyone else.

Gale Hawthorne - Clever, bitter and sometimes cruel.

Finnick Odair - Womanizer, brutal and emotionally broken.

It is interesting that there are no positive male characters. All of the men in this story personify most of the negative male stereotypes. This movie glorifies Peeta, shows respect for Gale, elicits sympathy for Haymitch, and makes Finnick look cool. There is a problem with that!

Finally lets look at other thoughts that this movie portrayed:
- Prim (Katniss's little sister) and Katniss both have to look out for their mother. Implication: Parents are inept and impotent.
- Peeta is portrayed as one of the best characters in the movie. Implication: men should be passive, gentle, soft and domestic.
- People murder for the entertainment of the Capitol and there were sellout crowds for this movie. Implication: America is disturbingly like the Capitol.

The Capitol was unfit to rule because of the means by which it maintained peace and found its entertainment. Where is the difference between them and us?

The collective American heart has been invested into this industry. What is it that we have really chosen to be valuable?

Monday, May 6, 2013


Lying is probably one of the easiest sins to slip into and one of the hardest to escape. Lies have a tendency never go away,  they are the bane of those foolish enough to use them. I really cannot think of very many sins that approach lies in their ability to destroy relationships, and ultimately lives. Every sin has consequences, but lies seem to have consequences that outstrip most of their fellows. Proverbs 19:5, 9 states that those who lie will not go unpunished, but rather that the liar is condemned and cannot escape.

I have told more than my fair share of lies. I made the tragic mistake of deceiving my family and those closest to me in order to cover another sin. I was so humiliated by my sin that I couldn't bear the thought of allowing my family and friends see my dramatic short-coming. Most days I want so badly to be perfect that I don't want to admit my failings to myself, much less to those for whom I have respect. I spend so much time trying to wish away my failure that I forget that confessing (owning up to) them is only way to be free. Lies not only weigh the liar down with guilt and the fear that someone might find out, they also break the trust of those we hold most dear.

I have found it's just not worth the cost. Stealing people's respect isn't worth breaking their trust. It's just not.

As I look at my own life, I find that the times my tongue has strayed from the Truth are the times I was not drawing my identity from my Savior. We are sinners. I am a sinner, but I have been forgiven of those sins. It is absurd to cover the beautiful truth of Christ's redemptive majesty with a facade of pathetic earthly perfection. I lie when I want the approval of those around me. I lie when I look to my friends and acquaintances for validation. I lie when I look away from my eternal savior.

When I place my identity in his hands, my short-comings become the bass line to His infinitely intricate melody. It is upon the abyss of my failure that His architecture is most astonishing. The beauty of Christ's gift to us lies in the fact that we are not whole or complete for this season, but the Spirit fills the holes and finishes the masterwork that looks so ruined without Him.

Some days I want so badly to be perfect and, in that perfection, to be honored. And sure, a few well placed lies might make me look really good and cover the worst of my short comings. The irony is that this doesn't draw others to me. People who appear perfect are intimidating. It's not  fun to go to lunch or throw the frisbee with someone who is flawless. It makes the rest of us mortals feel like crap. By fashioning an illusion of an immaculate life, I inadvertently demean everyone who is honest about who they are.

I think I am learning to be a man who is visibly flawed, because broken and flawed men bring the most honor to the one who accomplishes things with them. No glory or applause goes to the man who gets his arm cut off, but the doctor that make the arm workable again will be lauded. Attention and honor are not good for me. It only inflates my already obese ego when others take notice of who I am or what I have done. I want to a neon sign that points toward my King. No one actually examines the sign, they are merely interested in the object it is advertising. I pray that, by God's grace, I can learn to be 100% defined by my Lord and that every word I speak or write would be a neon sign to Him.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Training Pains

Sometimes the days when I am at my very worst are the days I feel closest to the Lord. Today I felt like I kept getting knocked down, but the beauty of it was that I also felt like someone kept standing me back up. I am exhausted, the kind of exhausted where you wake up in the morning with your daily headache. But honestly, being tired isn't so bad. There is something satisfying about being tired from busyness. It's kinda like the acceptable price for productivity. Today was just a different animal altogether.

I was up early this morning because my brother and I share a car and he had to clock-in at 0700. I am not, and probably never will be, a morning person, so this was a heavy hit (though not really a knock down punch) to start the day. From there, things deteriorated so quickly that by 1100 I realized that it was just gonna be one of those days. 

I don't say all this to lament the day itself (that's what my journal is for), but rather to tell a little bit about how amazing our God is. With each successive down turn He met me with a scripture and a little bit more energy to get back up again. He never just gave me a huge energy jump to power through the day, but he was there each time I got hit to lift me up again and set me straight. He provided me with just enough will-power and stamina to stand up one more time; that is an amazing God. 

I suppose my praise is two-fold this evening, well perhaps three-fold (the day is at an end). The first and most amazing praise is that I have God and savior who cares to stand so close beside me that He is right there to pick me up. That thought really is astounding! The second thing is that He still allowed me get knocked down. He didn't block or soften the blows, but He let me take them and learn from my mistakes. 

I think of a master swordsman training a page. The master doesn't go easy when he is teaching the page to use a sword, rather he uses a wooden (non-lethal) weapon and hits hard so the page will develop good technique and quick responses. Throughout time pain has been on of the most effective tools a teacher can use. This is evident in everything from parenting to warfare; people tend to not repeat painful errors.

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." - James 1:2-4

This verse was difficult for me for a long time, and will most likely remain difficult for the rest of my life. However, I think my King gave me a glimpse into its meaning today. He is not saying to rejoice because something hurts, he is saying to rejoice that the King has seen fit to stand by your side and train you. Training is painful, but it speaks of trust from one's authorities. Officers/Kings don't train men they don't intend to use. It is upon this thought and truth that I stand when my days become their very hardest. I cling to the fact that pain means He will eventually think me qualified for a mission in His battle-plan.

I want to be His warrior. So I stand firmly in Christ's blood as my own mixes with His on the floor. He gave His life so I could fight from His corner, and He continues to lift me back up. Why on earth would I want to stop swinging?

Sunday, July 22, 2012


The boundless beauty of a relationship with Jesus Christ is something that is incomprehensible to us temporal creatures. We do, however, recognize that it is beautiful; we are simply unable to conceptually cope with it. The timeless and eternal sacrifice of the innocent, almighty God spans the entirety of the universe's existence and subsequently renders eternal justification accessible to humanity. The beauty therefore is not lost upon us, the creation, it is tragically underappreciated.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Time

I think the passage of time has always amazed me. I love being busy so I generally don't think of the passage of time. I think of the progress of whatever I'm working on, then when I do look back on the hours and days I wonder where they have all gone.

Idleness has never been appealing to me. I dislike days upon which I look back upon only to realize that I have done nothing useful. They don't happen very often but when they do it only serves to motivate me to not let it happen again. Because of this, I tend to live my life in a bubble. Not a quiet peaceful bubble, but a bubble filled with a veritable storm of events, tasks, and accomplishment.

My bubble usually doesn't include a clock. Well, it does include one, but it is only so I can better achieve what needs to be done. It usually has absolutely no connection to the actual passing of time. I forget that working until 3pm, starting Bible study prep at 3:30, and finishing Bible study at 9 means the whole day has passed. Oh, I know the day is over and that it's time to sleep, but it doesn't register that it has passed.

I am a very present-minded man. I generally don't dwell on the past, and I almost never worry about the future. My bubble is almost always 100% in the present. The effect of this is, when I choose to step out of my bubble for a moment, I am astounded that a week, month, semester, or year has suddenly passed me by. It's not that I am unsatisfied with what has been done in that time, I am just shocked that the time is all used up.

I love this place the Lord has me right now. I looked outside my bubble today to realize not only is my summer almost gone but so is my college career. This is amazing and exciting. I am so excited to see where my Guide will take me next; to see what adventures are ahead of us.

However, there are things to be done today. I have tasks that must be finished well, trusts to be filled faithfully. Time is precious, and every little bit we are given is to be used well -- to the glory of the Giver.