
Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Time

I think the passage of time has always amazed me. I love being busy so I generally don't think of the passage of time. I think of the progress of whatever I'm working on, then when I do look back on the hours and days I wonder where they have all gone.

Idleness has never been appealing to me. I dislike days upon which I look back upon only to realize that I have done nothing useful. They don't happen very often but when they do it only serves to motivate me to not let it happen again. Because of this, I tend to live my life in a bubble. Not a quiet peaceful bubble, but a bubble filled with a veritable storm of events, tasks, and accomplishment.

My bubble usually doesn't include a clock. Well, it does include one, but it is only so I can better achieve what needs to be done. It usually has absolutely no connection to the actual passing of time. I forget that working until 3pm, starting Bible study prep at 3:30, and finishing Bible study at 9 means the whole day has passed. Oh, I know the day is over and that it's time to sleep, but it doesn't register that it has passed.

I am a very present-minded man. I generally don't dwell on the past, and I almost never worry about the future. My bubble is almost always 100% in the present. The effect of this is, when I choose to step out of my bubble for a moment, I am astounded that a week, month, semester, or year has suddenly passed me by. It's not that I am unsatisfied with what has been done in that time, I am just shocked that the time is all used up.

I love this place the Lord has me right now. I looked outside my bubble today to realize not only is my summer almost gone but so is my college career. This is amazing and exciting. I am so excited to see where my Guide will take me next; to see what adventures are ahead of us.

However, there are things to be done today. I have tasks that must be finished well, trusts to be filled faithfully. Time is precious, and every little bit we are given is to be used well -- to the glory of the Giver.

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