
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fighting for Life


The sounds of battle often animate my perspective of spiritual warfare. I see massive armies clashing in the midst of a blood-stained field, fatigued and flagging as the fight wears on. I picture fierce angels and sentinels of God meeting wave after wave of the terrifying army of evil. I smell the rank coppery stench of spilt blood and feel the moist ground give a little with soggy wetness. I hear the roar of a pitched battle, engaged with both automatic weapons and broad-swords, coupled with cringing ring of crows and vultures waiting to feast on the dead. I feel the pang of friends, comrades, and brothers struck down and lost under the enemies sword.

However, all of this imagery is not from the Lord, it is a lie carefully constructed by the enemy. It gives the impression that there is an honorable factor to spiritual warfare - that is false. There is not honor to be won by engaging the enemy or by trying to intentionally enter that battle. That is not the role we have been assigned, and we will fall under the enemy's weapons if we deviate or even exceed our orders. God, as any master strategist, knows his troops better than they know themselves, and he has placed them where they will have the most effect with the fewest casualties.

Our role very rarely puts us on the front line, and if we find ourselves there we have only one order; stand firm! Stand firm because our General has given us the equipment to do so. He was not given us weapons of advance (spears, javelins, bows, or pikes), but he has given us weapons for holding fast with both offensive and defensive equipment (a sword and shield). Our Commander has not sent us on to the battle field unarmed, rather he has sent us onto the battle field to hold fast until Jesus comes to vanquish.

The nature of our assignment is a watchmen's role, we are called to be vigilant and stand firm. This make the nature of the battle in which we actually engage very different from the pitched battle described earlier. The battle we fight is one of counter-sabotage and sneak-attacks. Ephesians 6 describes Satan's attacks as "flaming missiles" or more commonly called "fire arrows." In ancient times fire arrows were not used to attack individuals or even to cause bodily harm (many did not even have points); they were used to set fires in the enemy's camp and route the enemy via fear rather than force. Satan does not have the equipment to harm a saint's soul, but one should never underestimate him. He may not be able to penetrate your helmet of salvation, or pierce the righteousness of God that guards your chest, but he can and will cause fear and doubt. These are some of his most powerful weapons. Doubt is what caused Eve to fall and fear is what hindered the Israelites over and over again. Satan is a master at working around God's armor, don't give him the opportunity. If your shield is raised and your sword  is en garde then Satan will not have the opportunity to get in close and go around God's armor. Practically speaking this means to live in faith and keep scripture at hand (either literally carry your bible with you, or memorize large sections of scripture). These are our weapons and that is our defense.

We have been given a place in this battle and it imperative that we follow our orders.